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Showing 13–16 of 16 results
Wound Dressings Market | Global | 2019-2025 | MedCore
Industry Trends Traditional dressings have a much lower ASP than advanced dressings and, wherever possible, traditional dressings are preferred over higher-ASP moist and antimicrobial dressings. These products will always be a mainstay in the wound care market. All segments of this market will exhibit low growth, as the market is mature. Gauze makes up a […]
more...Large Joint Devices Market Analysis, Size, Trends | Brazil | 2013-2019 | MedSuite
The orthopedic large joint reconstruction device market includes hip reconstruction devices, knee reconstruction devices and bone cements used to help adhere the implants to bone. Large joint arthroplasty experienced a continued increase in demand in 2012, attributed to the aging Brazilian population and an increased number of patients able to afford these procedures. Procedure growth will rise over the forecast period as older patients are no longer able to postpone elective joint replacement. Hip reconstruction market growth will continue to outpace knee reconstruction market growth throughout the forecast period. Both the knee and hip markets experienced a steep increase in growth in 2012, as more orthopedic products continued to be introduced into Brazil. Unit volumes will continue to grow steadily over the forecast period due to the growing demand for arthroplasty.
more...Small Bone and Joint Devices Market Analysis, Size, Trends | Brazil | 2013-2019 | MedSuite
The Brazilian small bone & joint orthopedic market is comprised of the shoulder reconstruction, elbow repair, hand & wrist devices and foot & ankle devices market segments. This market is separate from the large joint and trauma markets, although the distinction is sometimes unclear. As a result, defining small joint devices can be challenging. Similar to large joints, many of the small joint devices are involved in elective procedures, and consequently these devices generally command higher selling prices. Conversely, the small joint device market is also similar to the trauma device market, where devices may not have high prices or significant price growth, but are involved in essential surgery and are always in demand. Small joints such as shoulders, elbows, hands and feet have not received as much attention as hip and knee treatments until recently, but have experienced strong and consistent growth because of the clinically underserved areas that they represent.
more...Wound Care Market Analysis, Size, Trends | Brazil | 2013-2019 | MedSuite
Wound and tissue management includes devices that treat wounds to the skin, dermal layer and adjacent subcutaneous tissues as well as devices that manage trauma to tissue and blood vessels during surgery. Wound management devices treat external wounds; while dressings and negative pressure wound therapy aid the bodys innate ability to heal skin wounds, surgical wounds and chronic wounds. Devices used for tissue management help to stop bleeding, close surgical incision and prevent scarring and adhesion of internal tissue. Wound closure devices hold tissue together so the body can develop scar tissue. Wound and tissue management products and devices are essential in an early or later phase for the proper healing of tissue and wounds.