Research Categories
- Anesthesia
- Arthroscopy
- Biologics/Biomaterials
- Cancer Devices
- Cardiovascular
- Cosmetic Devices
- Dental
- Diabetes
- Diagnostics
- Dialysis
- Drug Delivery
- Ear, Nose, Throat
- Endoscopy
- Gastrointestinal (GI)
- General Surgery
- Gynecology Devices
- Healthcare IT
- Hearing Devices
- Imaging
- Immunology
- Infusion Therapy
- Laparoscopy
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Neurology Devices
- Oncology
- Operating Room Equipment
- Ophthalmics Devices
- Orthopedics
- Patient Monitoring
- Peripheral Vascular
- Respiratory Devices
- Robotics & Navigation
- Sleep Apnea & Diagnostics
- Spine
- Stents
- Tissue Repair
- Urology
- Vascular Access
- Video Hi-Tech
- Women's Health
- Wound Care
Video Hi-Tech
The video, high-tech and integrated operating room equipment market includes integrated OR components, camera systems, image capture devices, displays, PACS monitors, light sources, medical printers, headlights, lighting, booms, tables, insufflation devices and surgical microscopes. High demand for OR integration will be the primary driver for all markets directly correlated, such as surgical monitors, image capture and recording devices, PACS monitors and surgical cameras. iData’s coverage of information technology also includes, electronic medical records, robotics, and other information technology devices and procedures.
Showing 1–12 of 40 results