Product Description
Overall, the global surgical table market was valued at over $1.7 billion in 2023. This is expected to increase over the forecast period at a CAGR of 3.2% to reach $2.2 billion.
Throughout this medical market research, we analyzed over 15 surgical table companies across 7 continents and used our comprehensive methodology to understand the market sizes, unit sales, company market shares, and to create accurate forecasts. The full report suite on the global market for surgical tables includes general surgical and specialty surgical tables (orthopedic, spine, neurosurgical and image-guided surgical tables).
- Unit Sales, Average Selling Prices, Market Value & Growth Trends
- Forecasts Until 2030, and Historical Data to 2020
- Market Drivers & Limiters for Each Segment
- Competitive Analysis with Market Shares for Each Segment
- Recent Mergers & Acquisitions
- COVID19 Impact
- Disease Overviews and Demographic Information
- Company Profiles, Product Portfolios and SWOT for Top Competitors
Global Surgical Table Market Insights![global surgical table market]()
During the past ten years, there has been a consistent rise in the worldwide count of integrated operating rooms (ORs). The growing interest in hybrid ORs is expected to maintain the momentum in the market for image-guided surgery (IGS) tables. Traditional integration contributes to the sales of general surgical tables, whereas the adoption of hybrid ORs is anticipated to boost the IGS table market.
Global Surgical Table Market Share Insights![Global Surgical Table Market]()
- In 2023, Getinge led the surgical table market with the ALPHAMAQUET™ series, including ALPHAMAXX™ and ALPHASTAR PRO™ general surgical tables, offering advanced articulation and unique X-ray capabilities. They also had the MAGNUS™ table system for hybrid rooms and the YUNO OTN™ table for orthopedic and neurosurgery.
- STERIS was the second-leading competitor in the 2023 surgical table market, offering a wide range of surgical tables across different segments. Their Amsco 3085™ general surgical table is versatile for various procedures. STERIS also provides orthopedic fracture tables and specialized IGS tables, like the STERIS® OT 1000 and SurgiGraphic® series.
- Baxter, through its acquisition of Hillrom, secured the third spot with a diverse portfolio of fixed and mobile surgical tables, including the innovative TS 7000dV, the world’s only fully integrated robotic table, introduced in collaboration with Intuitive Surgical.
Market Segmentation Summary
- General Surgical Table Market
- Specialty Surgical Table Market
Global Research Scope Summary
Report Attribute | Details |
Regions | North America (Canada, United States) Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela) Western Europe (Austria, Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Scandinavia, Spain, Switzerland, U.K.) Central & Eastern Europe (Baltic States, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine) Middle East (Bahrain, Iran, Israel, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) Asia Pacific (Australia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam) Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda) |
Base Year | 2023 |
Forecast | 2024-2030 |
Historical Data | 2020-2023 |
Quantitative Coverage | Market Size, Market Shares, Market Forecasts, Market Growth Rates, Units Sold, and Average Selling Prices. |
Qualitative Coverage | COVID19 Impact, Market Growth Trends, Market Limiters, Competitive Analysis & SWOT for Top Competitors, Mergers & Acquisitions, Company Profiles, Product Portfolios, FDA Recalls, Disruptive Technologies, Disease Overviews. |
Data Sources | Primary Interviews with Industry Leaders, Government Physician Data, Regulatory Data, Hospital Private Data, Import & Export Data, iData Research Internal Database. |
For full segmentation and any questions regarding research coverage, please contact us for a complimentary demo of the full report.