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Showing 73–84 of 90 results
Soft-Tissue Dental Lasers Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis | Europe | 2017-2023 | MedCore | Segmented by: Laser Type (Diode, CO2 & Nd:YAG Lasers)
The dental surgical laser market includes all-tissue and soft-tissue lasers. Dental surgical lasers result in operational benefits to dental practices by enhancing the appeal for patients to undergo treatments using modern technology over traditional methods. Dental surgical laser technology greatly enhances dentists efficiency and effectiveness of treatments as well as increases patient comfort and willingness to undergo uncomfortable procedures.
Soft-tissue lasers are dental lasers that are effective on tissues surrounding teeth and can be used to contour gingiva, sterilize the intraoral cavity and minimize bleeding during procedures. These lasers turn several dental procedures into painless, comfortable and rapid operations, significantly increasing patient satisfaction. Soft-tissue lasers can be categorized into diode, CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers.
All-Tissue Dental Lasers Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis | Europe | 2017-2023 | MedCore | Segmented by: Delivery Method (Articulated Arms, Fiber-Delivery & Direct Delivery)
All-tissue lasers are systems that can be used on both soft and hard tissue in the intraoral cavity. These lasers have unique clinical characteristics that surpass conventional tools such as scalpel and drill, thus having the potential to decrease the use of such tools and to create a high-tech atmosphere around the dental chair. The minimally invasive equipment makes patients much more comfortable, increases the efficiency, and therefore the return on investment for the dentist. Even though all-tissue lasers are fairly expensive investments for dentists, the short and long term benefits can quickly outweigh the initial expenditures, making them a valuable addition to dental practices.
more...Surgical Guides Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis | Europe | 2019-2025 | MedCore | Includes: Surgical Guides from Dentsply Sirona, Nobel Biocare & Dental Wings
In 2019, the European surgical guides market size reached €35 million and is forecasted to exceed €63 million in 2026. Dentists use computer-guided surgery in one of two ways to assist them in the proper placement of implants: they either use treatment planning software exclusively or use the software along with a surgical guide. Due […]
more...Neuromodulation, Neurovascular, Neurosurgical and Monitoring Devices Procedure Volume Analysis | Europe | 2017-2023 | MedPro
This report analyzes the procedure volumes that relate to neurological devices in Europe from 2013-2023. This data includes segmentation on Cerebro-spinal Fluid Shunting Procedures, Neurovascular Embolization Procedures, Intracranial Stenting Procedures, Neurovascular Guidewire Procedures and Neuromodulation Procedures.
more...Dental Materials Procedure Volume & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedPro | Includes: Dental Cements, Impression Materials, Direct Restorative Materials, Bonding Agents, Core Build-up Materials and Dental Anesthetics
The European market for dental materials includes dental cements, impression materials, direct restorative materials, bonding agents, core build-up materials and dental anesthetics. The aging European population is the most significant driver of the dental materials market. Baby boomers are projected to live longer than those of previous generations and are therefore more likely to invest in their oral health during the remainder of their lives. Consequently, the demand for dental materials will increase due to this generations need for more crowns, bridges and other restorations. Also, the popularity of tooth-colored restorations and minimally invasive treatments has increased tremendously in the past few years; these trends are expected to drive the demand for innovative and technologically advanced dental materials, resulting in higher average selling prices (ASPs) and market values.
more...Direct Restoratives Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedCore | Segmented by: Material Type (Amalgam, Composite, Glass Ionomer & Resin Ionomer Restorative Materials)
Direct restorative materials are positioned directly onto a tooth and function to fill dental cavities, restore infected teeth and provide substance for root canal treatments. Dental caries have historically been considered to be the most important global oral disease. Currently, cavities remain a major public concern in high income countries, affecting 60 to 90% of school-aged children and the majority of adults. For this reason, the direct restorative material market has been, and continues to be, quite substantial, constituting the largest segment within the dental materials market. An increased demand for direct filling materials has been supported by changes in restorative techniques. The development of adhesive techniques saves sound tooth structure and is compatible with preventative measures. Preserving and stabilizing a tooths hard tissues by direct filling techniques is in favor over destructive preparations with indirect restorative materials.
more...Dental Impression Materials Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedCore | Segmented by: Material Type (Alginate, Silicone & Polyether Impression Materials)
Dental impression materials are used to take an imprint of hard and soft tissues in the intraoral cavity. The production of the mold requires placing viscous impression material in a patients mouth. This material later solidifies and produces a cast, which is sent to a dental laboratory. Typically, these solid tooth impressions serve to develop crowns, bridges and dentures.
more...Dental Core Build-Up Materials Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedCore | Segmented by: Material Type (Composite & Glass Core Ionomer Core Build-Up Materials)
A core build-up is a restoration placed on a severely damaged tooth in order to restore the bulk of the coronal portion of the tooth. The core is defined to be part of the preparation of an indirect restoration consisting of restorative material. When fabricating crowns or bridges, it is often necessary to use a core material before preparation to reconstruct extensive sections of lost tooth caused by large carious lesions or previous dental treatment. It is suggested that the placement of a core is necessary when more than 50% of the coronal part of the tooth is missing.
more...Dental Cements Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedCore | Segmented by: Material Type (Permanent & Temporary Dental Cements)
Dental cements are luting agents that predominantly serve to fill in gaps between restorations and the natural tooth. They are crucial for the precise positioning of dental restorations and to protect the pulp from discomfort and injuries. Typically, cements form a strong bond with enamel and dentin, ensuring the stability of metal and ceramic restorations in the patients mouth. Dentists utilize cements in a variety of dental applications, ranging from crowns and bridges, to inlays and onlays, to veneers and implants.
more...Dental Bonding Agents Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedCore | Segmented by: Product type (Universal, Self-Etch & Total-Etch Bonding Agents)
Dental bonding agents function to bond a restorative onto a tooth so that it remains stable permanently. All direct resin restorations require bonding, and indirect restorations either require bonding or are candidates for bonding. As the demand for bonded aesthetic restorations has increased, the evolution of bonding agents has accelerated.
more...Dental Anesthetics Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedCore | Segmented by: Product Type (Topical & Local Injection Dental Anesthetics)
Intraoperative pain control administered by the means of local anesthesia is an essential part of clinical practice in dentistry. Local anesthesia is induced so that the sensation of pain from the source of stimulation, such as a tooth or the periodontium (specialized tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth), is prevented from transmitting to the brain. The introduction of local anesthetics with the development of nerve blocking injection techniques uncovered a new era of patient comfort while permitting more extensive and invasive dental procedures.
more...Transcervical Female Sterilization Market Analysis | Europe | 2016-2022 | MedCore
Female sterilization is a permanent form of birth control, requiring invasive surgery to reverse. Female sterilization prevents ova from coming down the fallopian tubes and blocks fertilization by sperm. There are different procedures to perform female sterilization, including tubal ligation, mechanical blockage with a clip or band, bipolar electrocoagulation or transcervical implants. In this report, only the transcervical implant market is covered.