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Dialyzers and Reprocessing
Showing all 2 results
Dialyzers Market Analysis | United States | 2017-2023 | MedCore

In the process of hemodialysis, the dialyzer performs the essential function of the kidney. During a hemodialysis treatment, the dialyzer will clean and remove the toxic substances from the blood. Blood can only be cleaned physically, not chemically. The patients blood is essentially filtered inside the dialyzer, and is channeled through the hollow fibers of the dialyzer. The walls of the hollow fibers consist of an ultra-thin membrane and various physical processes enable the removal of harmful molecules, while the critical elements of the blood are retained. The more exact a dialyzer and its membrane are at separating the important molecules from the harmful ones, the more effective the hemodialysis treatment will be.
more...Dialyzer Reprocessing Machines Market Analysis | United States | 2017-2023 | MedCore

Each hemodialysis treatment undergone by a patient requires the use of a dialyzer. The dialyzer employed by each treatment can be either a single-use or a reuse dialyzer. A single-use dialyzer will be adequate for a single treatment, after which it will be disposed of. A reuse dialyzer is adequate for use on multiple treatments of the same patient. In order to be reused, a reuse dialyzer needs to be reprocessed. The procedure of reprocessing comprises cleaning, testing, filling the dialyzer with sterilant, inspecting, labeling, storing and rinsing the dialyzer before it is used for the next treatment. During the reprocessing, a reuse dialyzer also undergoes a volume test to ensure that the fibers that transport the blood are not occluded, and a pressure test to ensure that the fibers of the dialyzer are not broken. All these steps are performed by automatic equipment, which is the role of the dialyzer reprocessing machine. After reprocessing, the reuse technician will visually inspect the dialyzer to ensure that all critical aspects are up to standard. If the dialyzer passes the final inspection, it will then be labeled, which will show the patients name, the number of times they have used the dialyzer, the date and time of its last reprocessing and the initials of the individual that reprocessed the dialyzer.