Product Description
The nature of the small joints, especially the wrist and ankle joints, defines the prevalence of internal fixation over total joint replacement for these anatomies. The dominance of internal fixation devices, such as plates and screws, are seen in the elbow, wrist and ankle segments, while the shoulder reconstruction market is almost evenly divided between joint replacement and fixation devices.
Overall, the total small bone and joint device market continues to develop, reporting a moderate growth rate. The overall market growth is primarily driven by demographic factors, which is crucial for India, as the second-largest country by population in 2018. The market development is driven by continuing surgeons’ education and healthcare infrastructure establishment, along with investment in the Indian orthopedic industry provided by the Indian government and international companies.
While this report suite contains all small bone & joint orthopedic devices data for Indian market, each of the markets are also available as stand alone MedCore reports. This allows you to get access to only the small bone & joint orthopedic devices market research that you need. You can view all these included reports and segmentation here:
- India Market Overview for Small Bone and Joint Orthopedic Devices 2019 – MedView: Gives an easily accessible view of all small bone and joint orthopedic devices markets and trends, and aggregates the data together for a picture of the total Indian market.
- India Procedure Numbers for Small Bone and Joint Orthopedic Devices 2019 – MedPro: Using a number of databases, internal and external, we’re able to provide you with the total volume of small bone and joint orthopedic procedures being performed for each of the markets mentioned in this suite of reports.
- India Market Report for Shoulder Reconstruction Devices 2019 – MedCore: This market includes implants for various shoulder reconstruction procedures: total shoulder, reversed, hemi shoulder implants, resurfacing and revision procedures. A total reconstruction of the shoulder involves replacement of the glenoid fossa and the humeral head.Reversed-shoulder implants are a variation of primary total devices Hemi shoulder reconstruction replaces either the glenoid side or the humeral side of the shoulder joint, but not both. Shoulder resurfacing aims to reduce the amount of tissue disruption and replacement. Revision devices are sold specifically for the purposes of revising worn primary implants.
- India Market Report for Elbow Reconstruction Devices 2019 – MedCore: The combined elbow repair market includes primary elbow implants, which can be further separated into semi-constrained and unconstrained elbow implants, as well as radial head implants. Semi-constrained elbows currently dominate the market as unconstrained elbows and radial head implants have not been present in the market for as long.
- India Market Report for Hand and Wrist Devices 2019 – MedCore: This market includes wrist fusion and distal radius plates. Primary wrist implants and hand digit implants are present in India; however, with unit sales being so small for 2015, an acceptable degree of market projection certainty was not available.
- India Market Report for Foot and Ankle Devices 2019 – MedCore: This market includes total ankle implants, ankle fusion and foot and ankle external fixation. Foot and ankle medical devices market includes devices for the ankle joint, subtalar joint, midfoot and forefoot and for the toe digits, such as intramedullary nails, ankle plate and screw systems and ankle external fixators are used to treat arthritis of the ankle or traumatic ankle injuries.
Buying all of these reports together in this suite package will provide you with substantial discounts from the separate prices. Request Pricing to Learn More
Small Bone & Joint Orthopedic Devices Market Data Types Included
- Unit Sales, Average Selling Prices, Market Value & Growth Trends
- Forecasts Until 2025, and Historical Data to 2015
- Market Drivers & Limiters for Each Segment
- Competitive Analysis with Market Shares for Each Segment
- Recent Mergers & Acquisitions
- Orthopedic Small Bone & Joint Orthopedic Devices Procedure Volumes
- Disease Overviews and Demographic Information
- Company Profiles for Top Competitors
- Related Press Releases from Top Competitors
Small Bone & Joint Orthopedic Devices Companies Analyzed
The top competitors in the total small joint and bone orthopedic market in India are the international medical manufacturers, DePuy Synthes, Stryker and Zimmer Biomet, which controlled nearly 40% of the total market in 2018. However, the majority of the total market is represented by numerous domestic manufacturers.
Domestic manufacturers have a presence in shoulder, elbow, wrist and ankle plate and screw. The plate and screw device market, as a part of the orthopedic trauma market in India, is composed of both domestic manufacturers and multinational corporations (MNCs). However, over half of this segment is generated by domestic manufacturers.
Not all companies are currently active in every segment or sub-report from this suite. For more details contact an iData Research Product Advisor.