Product Description
The distal radius plate market is expected to grow moderately over the forecast period. This growth is because of the sheer number of distal radius plates sold, resulting from the high incidence of such fractures due to falls. This is increasingly the case with the developing active and elderly population that is at a higher risk of radial fractures.
Plate and screw medical devices are used to treat a variety of indications, including in the shoulder, elbow and distal radius market. This provides better bone fusion and improves patient outcome. Plates are like internal splints that hold the broken pieces of bone together. They are attached to the bone with screws. Plates may be left in place after healing is complete, or they may be removed. Screws are used for internal fixation more often than any other type of implant. Although the screw is a simple device, there are different designs based on the type of fracture and how the screw will be used. Screws come in different sizes for use with bones of different sizes.
Segments Covered in This Market
- Shoulder Plate and Screw Market
- Elbow Plate and Screw Market
- Distal Radius Plate Market
Report Data Types Included
- Unit Sales, Average Selling Prices, Market Value & Growth Trends
- 10 Year Scope (3 Year Historical + 7 Year Forecast Period)
- Market Drivers & Limiters for Each Segment
- Competitive Analysis with Market Shares
- Product Portfolios
- Related Press Releases from Top Competitors
Companies Analyzed
DePuy Synthes’ lead was due to their significant portion of the elbow plate and screw market segment, which DePuy obtained from Synthes following the June 2012 acquisition. Acumeds strength came from their distal radius product, Acu-Loc® Volar Distal Radius System. Acumed is also strong in the elbow plate & screw market which is second only to DePuy Synthes in 2016. In 2016, Zimmer Biomet held the third leading position of the plate & screw device market. Other companies analyzed include Stryker, Arthrex, Smith & Nephew, Wright Medical and Medartis.
About Our In-Depth MedCore Research
Our analysts meticulously research for up to 3 to 4 months to put together one suite of reports (MedSuite), which is a comprehensive analysis on a group of healthcare markets. A MedCore is one portion of that analysis that focuses on one market segment, and provides further detailed segmentation to get a much more granular set of market data.
This MedCore is also found in the full report suite titled U.S. Market Report Suite for Small Bone and Orthopedic Devices – MedSuite
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The "US Market Report Suite for Small Bone and Joint Orthopedic Devices 2017 - MedSuite" includes analysis on the following companies currently active in this market:DePuy SynthesWright MedicalZimmer BiometStrykerArthrexSmith & NephewAcumedIntegra LifeSciencesExactechDJOBioProOrthofixMedartisNutekGraMedicaAptis MedicalSkeletal Dynamics*Not all companies are currently active in every segment or sub-report from this suite. For more details contact an iData Research Product Advisor.
iData’s 9-Step Research Methodology
Our reports follow an in-depth 9-step methodology which focuses on the following research systems:
- Original primary research that consists of the most up-to-date market data
- Strong foundation of quantitative and qualitative research
- Focused on the needs and strategic challenges of the industry participants
Step 1: Project Initiation & Team Selection During this preliminary investigation, all staff members involved in the industry discusses the topic in detail.
Step 2: Prepare Data Systems and Perform Secondary Research The first task of the research team is to prepare for the data collection process: Filing systems and relational databases are developed as needed.
Step 3: Preparation for Interviews & Questionnaire Design The core of all iData research reports is primary market research. Interviews with industry insiders represent the single most reliable way to obtain accurate, current data about market conditions, trends, threats and opportunities.
Step 4: Performing Primary Research At this stage, interviews are performed using contacts and information acquired in the secondary research phase.
Step 5: Research Analysis: Establishing Baseline Estimates Following the completion of the primary research phase, the collected information must be synthesized into an accurate view of the market status. The most important question is the current state of the market.
Step 6: Market Forecast and Analysis iData Research uses a proprietary method to combine statistical data and opinions of industry experts to forecast future market values.
Step 7: Identify Strategic Opportunities iData analysts identify in broad terms why some companies are gaining or losing share within a given market segment.
Step 8: Final Review and Market Release An integral part of the iData research methodology is a built-in philosophy of quality control and continuing improvement is integral to the iData philosophy.
Step 9: Customer Feedback and Market Monitoring iData philosophy of continuous improvement requires that reports and consulting projects be monitored after release for customer feedback and market accuracy.
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