Cogentix Medical Announces Cahaba GBA, LLC Extends Coverage for Urgent PC Maintenance Therapy

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Cogentix Medical, Inc., a global medical device company focused on providing the Urology, Uro/Gyn and Gynecology markets with innovative and proprietary products, recently announced that Cahaba Government Benefit Administrators, LLC has modified their policy for Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) delivered via Cogentix Medical’s Urgent® PC Neuromodulation System to allow for ongoing maintenance treatments for an indefinite period of time.

“This policy update further reinforces the medical necessity of Urgent PC as a long-term solution for patients suffering with overactive bladder symptoms,” said Darin Hammers, President and CEO. “Additionally, the policy change to indefinite coverage allows the patient and physician to decide whether to continue ongoing treatment with Urgent PC to sustain their symptomatic improvements.”

Urgent PC is a recommended third line treatment within the OAB treatment guidelines for patients who have not responded or cannot tolerate behavioral intervention and pharmacologic agents. Urgent PC patients receive an initial series of 12 treatments to determine optimal response after which most patients need a treatment about every month to keep their symptoms under control.

Since 2014, all Medicare beneficiaries have had access to Urgent PC therapy. Currently all Medicare Contractors cover PTNS maintenance therapy for at least two years. Cahaba is the fourth Medicare Contractor to cover Urgent PC maintenance treatments for an indefinite period of time.

For Further Information
More on the gynecological device market in US can be found in a series of reports published by iData Research entitled the US Market Report Suite for Gynecological Devices. The suite covers reports on the following markets: assisted reproduction devices, endometrial ablation, endometrial resection, uterine fibroid embolization, hysteroscopes, colposcopes, transcervical female sterilization, female urinary incontinence slings, laser technology, fluid management equipment, pelvic organ prolapse repair devices and hysterosalpingography catheters.

The iData report series on gynecological devices covers the U.S., Asia-Pacific and 15 countries in Europe including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Reports provide a comprehensive analysis including units sold, procedure numbers, market value, forecasts, as well as detailed competitive market shares and analysis of major players’ success strategies in each market and segment. To find out more about gynecological market data or procedure data, register online or email us at for a US Market Report Suite for Gynecological Devices brochure and synopsis.

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