Zebra Medical Vision Granted FDA Approval for AI Vertebral Fracture Detector

Zebra Medical gains FDA clearance for vertebral fracture detector
This product by Zebra Medical Vision uses AI to detect potential compression fractures and help improve fracture detection rates.

Zebra Medical Vision, based in Israel, has recently been granted FDA 510(k) approval for its artificial intelligence product that detects vertebral compression fractures.

There currently exists a major problem with under-detection and under-reporting of vertebral compression fractures. Zebra Medical Vision states that a large proportion of these fractures remain unreported or missed. This can have direct negative consequences on patient well-being, as these fractures can lead to morbidity and reduced mobility.

This AI product developed by Zebra Medical Vision seeks to reduce human error, and reduce the rates of missed fractures. When documents such as CT chest and abdomen scans are sent from hospital settings to Zebra, its AI product automatically scans for vertebral compression fractures. Hospital staff is then notified of any positive results so that these scans can undergo further review. If detection rates are increased, this means that more patients can undergo the treatment necessary to resolve issues caused by these fractures.

The CEO of Zebra, Ohad Arazi, expressed the importance of this product in a press release:

“Identifying patients at risk for osteoporosis has a significant impact on patients’ well-being, as 70 percent of vertebral compression fractures are under detected globally. These missed care opportunities are especially vital during this era of COVID-19, when many patient procedures have been postponed, and providers are dealing with substantial backlogs. The VCF product—our fifth FDA-cleared solution on the market—will allow us to expand our reach in the U.S. and help more clinicians and caregivers identify a large number of these fractures.”

Via: Zebra, Business Wire

For Further Information

This recent development presents interesting implications for the future of the spinal device market. To get an in-depth global (25-country) market analysis which includes in-depth interviews and procedural volumes, check out iData Research’s report titled Spinal Implants Market Analysis, Size, Trends | Global | 2019-2025 | MedSuite

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