Urinary Incontinence Statistics Leaning Towards Patient Comfort

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Urinary Incontinence Statistics

There are well over 250,000 urinary incontinence procedures performed in the U.S. annually. The most common type of incontinence is stress urinary incontinence (SUI). This is a condition where urine is often lost during periods of intra-abdominal pressure, most commonly when laughing, sneezing, coughing or during physical exertion. It is more common in women than men with a 9 to 1 ratio.

In men, following a partial or full prostatectomy procedure, urinary incontinence occurs due to damage to the sphincter muscle or bladder outlet obstruction. These are only select examples of an array of urinary incontinence forms reported, and as such, it is an affliction that can affect a broad scope of the population. The total U.S. urinary incontinence market is valued at over $1.2 billion and is expected to be subject to slow but steady growth until 2025.

Prevalence of Urinary Catheters

Urinary catheters represent the largest portion of the total urinary incontinence market, accounting for over 60% of the total market value. Stable growth and a reasonable price will help this segment retain its position over the forecast period.

Urethral Bulking Agents on The Rise

While the urethral bulking agent market currently represents a small portion of the total market value, it is set to grow at double the rate of other incontinence markets. Urethral bulking agents offer an attractive solution to patients by injecting a biocompatible protein polymer into either the periurethral or transurethral route to treat SUI. This allows tissue bulk to increase around the urethra, upping the resistance to urinary outflow without larger devices that may be uncomfortable or cumbersome for the patient.

As it is also minimally invasive, urethral bulking agents are very useful for people who don’t want to undergo surgery or for women who would like to deliver a child and cannot afford the recovery time of a urinary sling procedure. As such, this market is experiencing impressive growth, which is expected to stabilize over the forecast period.

For Further Information

More on the urological device market in  the U.S. can be found in a series of reports published by iData Research entitled the U.S. Market Report Suite for Urological Devices.


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