Top Performers in the U.S. Central Station Monitors Market – Insights from iData’s MedSKU

Top performers in the u.s. central station monitors market

CARESCAPE Central Station, retrieved from:

In iData’s comprehensive analysis of the U.S. Patient Monitoring Equipment Market MedSKU, a total of 13 companies and over 70 brands were analyzed. While the MedSKU analysis covered various segments, this blog zeroes in on a specific sector: Central Station Monitors.

The recently concluded MedSKU analysis by iData offers an inclusive overview of companies, products, and segments within the market. Furthermore, iData’s analysis delves into brand-specific metrics, encompassing revenue, units sold, unit share, revenue share, and average selling prices (ASPs). Utilizing the collected data and focusing on the companies involved, this blog dissects the performance of three key companies and their respective brands in terms of revenue, ASPs, and units sold throughout the year 2022. For a more in-depth exploration of these companies and their success within the U.S. Patient Monitoring Equipment Market in 2022, continue reading.

*Based on the 13 companies included in the MedSKU analysis, these three companies performed the best throughout 2022*

Philips: A Steady Leader

Throughout 2022, Philips Healthcare maintained its position as the revenue leader, demonstrating remarkable stability. Quarter by quarter, the company navigated revenue figures, starting at 18 million in Q1, peaking at 19 million in Q3, and concluding the year at 17 million in both Q2 and Q4. Notably, the ASP of Philips IntelliVue Informa experienced minimal changes, hovering between $53,000 and $59,000 throughout the year. This consistency extended to both revenue and units sold, with increases in Q1 and Q3 and decreases in Q2 and Q4.

GE Healthcare: A Resilient Performer

Securing the second-highest revenue in 2022, GE Healthcare demonstrated resilience and adaptability. The company’s revenue journey began just under 9 million in Q1, reaching almost 10 million in Q2, dipping in Q3, and rebounding to just under 10 million in Q4. Examining the ASP of GE Healthcare’s CARESCAPE Central, we observe a stable pricing strategy, maintaining around 33,000 from Q2 to Q4. The overall trends for GE Healthcare mirrored Philips, with a strong uptick in both revenue and units sold from Q1 to Q2, a slight dip in Q3, and a healthy recovery in Q4.

Nihon Kohden: Incremental Growth and Stability

Claiming the third-highest revenue spot in 2022, Nihon Kohden showcased incremental growth and stability. Starting just under 5 million in Q1, the company achieved nearly 7 million in Q4. The ASPs of Nihon Kohden’s Central Monitoring device experienced some variability, shifting from 60,000 in Q2 to 53,000 in Q3. The quarterly trends for Nihon Kohden reflected stability in Q1 and Q2, followed by an increase in Q3, and maintaining stability in Q4.


In conclusion, iData’s MedSKU analysis provides a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the U.S. Patient Monitoring Equipment Market, with a specific focus on Central Station Monitors. The examination of key players—Philips Healthcare, GE Healthcare, and Nihon Kohden—reveals distinct patterns in revenue, average selling prices (ASPs), and units sold throughout 2022. 

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