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The Propex IQ® apex locator was recently released from Dentsply Sirona, a substantial player in the dental market. The Propex IQ® is reliable and easy to use, and guarantees reliable monitoring of file progression. Not only does the product work with multiple irrigation solutions if liquid is used, but it also doesn’t require any calibration and is extremely lightweight and compact.
The Propex IQ® can be used as a standalone item, but shines light on its true advantages when used in conjunction with the X-Smart IQ® via connection to the Endo IQ® App. When configured with the X-Smart IQ® and the Endo IQ® App, the Propex IQ® allows efficient and clear visual monitor file progression.
According to iData Research, There has been a general shift away from spending on traditional dental equipment to spending on more technologically advanced equipment. This has resulted in a redistribution of the market share in favor of manufacturers who produce technologically advanced products. There is significant resistance by more senior practitioners who are not willing to adapt their way of practicing dentistry to new dental tools. However, as more practitioners from the baby boomer era approach retirement, new dentists will enter the field to take their place. These dentists are more open to newer technology and can adapt more easily. This is partially due to their experience using the latest technology in dental schools. Mature markets, such as practice management software, curing lights, dental treatment centers and dental cabinetry will grow the least over the forecast period. This is due to stiff price competition from foreign imports, in the case of curing lights, and small manufacturers with low overhead costs and low-cost pricing schemes, in the case of software.
Gutta-Smart fill canals effectively and reliably with the cordless obturation device and Conform Fit™ gutta-percha master cones. They were engineered to work together, as they feature the same low-temperature flow traits and radiopacity for a complete warm vertical obturation solution.
For Further Information
More on the dental operatory equipment market in the US can be found in a report suite published by iData Research entitled the US Market Report Suite for Dental Operatory Equipment. The suite covers reports on the following markets: Dental Treatment Center & Multimedia Systems, Dental Handpieces, Dental Scalers, Curing Lights, Caries Detection Devices, Intraoral Cameras, Dental Autoclaves, and Dental Management Software.