2 Minute Guide to the Global Gastrointestinal Device Market [Infographic]


A gastrointestinal endoscopy is a relatively noninvasive procedure that diagnoses and treats abnormalities and diseases of the digestive tract. Endoscopes, capsule endoscopy, stenting devices, dilation devices, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), biopsy forceps, polypectomy snares, endoscopic ultrasound needles, hemostasis devices, enteral feeding devices, and anti-reflux devices are among the products in the gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy market. There are several factors driving the global GI endoscopic device market, such as the growing prevalence of GI-related conditions, the rapid adoption of colorectal cancer screening programs, and new technology. With hopes to better illustrate the global gastrointestinal device market, we have created an infographic that highlights the biggest takeaways from our new report on industry trends and what they could mean for you.



Global gastrointestinal

In 2021, the GI endoscope segment was the largest segment in the overall gastrointestinal device market. Over the past several years, GI endoscopes have undergone technological advancements and product developments that have made them more efficient for performing GI procedures. Growth is driven by the increasing incidence of GI-related conditions, including colorectal cancer. In terms of global market shares, Olympus, Boston Scientific, and Fujifilm are the top three competitors. In the GI endoscope segment, Olympus has a dominant stance, which positions it for success since it is the largest segment worldwide. Overall, the global gastrointestinal device market has grown since the onset of COVID-19 in 2021, and it will continue to grow.

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