Market Share of Value and Discount Implant Solutions to Increase in Asia Pacific

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According to a new market report by iData Research, a leading provider of international dental market research, the Asia Pacific implant market is transitioning towards inexpensive implant products. Growth is being driven by rising demand for aesthetically pleasing long-term dental restorations and this has resulted in demand for more affordable options. However, this movement towards low-cost implants is occurring at differing rates across each of the five major Asia Pacific regions.

Trends in overall dental implant market
The Asia Pacific dental implant market is expected to experience high levels of growth by 2024, reaching almost US$890 million, as reported in a recent study by iData Research. This market analysis covered dental implants (premium, value and discount products), final abutments (stock, custom and CAD/CAM products) and surgical guides. Across all countries, revenue growth will be driven by the increasingly strong evidence in favour of implant-supported restorative solutions, along with a growing patient base. While competitive price cuts and inexpensive solutions have limited potential market growth, these factors are primarily spurred by high unit demand.

Japan: Surgical guides driving market
In 2017, the dental implant market in Japan exhibited modest growth. Japan has recovered since its dental implant market bottomed out in the wake of negative press reports in 2012. While the rate of implants placed per capita remains relatively low in Japan, the market is now attracting interest from both patients and dentists. Renewed interest in dental implant treatment has resulted in high growth of the surgical guide market in Japan, in part due to past highly publicised reports of inaccurate placement.

South Korea: Reimbursement expansion driving significant growth
In 2014, the National Health Insurance Service of South Korea significantly increased dental implant coverage for those 75 years old and over. The minimum age for eligibility was lowered to 70 in 2015 and to 65 in 2016. Coverage was similarly increased for dentures in 2016. This has driven what is already the world’s most developed market for dental implants and final abutments, and it will continue to do so as more people take advantage of the insurance changes and as the population ages. South Korea is unique in that the market is dominated by domestic discount implant manufacturers. Thus, the transition towards inexpensive options has already occurred.

This article was originally published on Dental Tribune, to continue reading please visit

For Further Information

More on the dental implant fixtures and final abutments market in Japan can be found in a series of reports published by iData entitled the Japan Market Report Suite for Dental Implant Fixtures and Final Abutments. This report covers the following market segments: dental implant fixtures, final abutments, dental implant instrument kits, treatment planning software and surgical guides.

The iData series on the market for dental implant fixtures and final abutments covers the U.S., Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina) and 15 countries in Europe including Germany, France, the United Kingdom (U.K.), Italy, Spain, Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg), Scandinavia (Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway), Portugal, Austria and Switzerland. Reports provide a comprehensive analysis including units sold, procedure numbers, market value, forecasts, as well as detailed competitive market shares and analysis of major players’ success strategies in each market and segment. To find out more about dental implant fixtures and final abutments market data or procedure data, register online or email us at for a Japan Market Report Suite for Dental Implant Fixtures and Final Abutments brochure and synopsis.

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