Product Description
The European diabetes monitoring, treatment, and drug delivery market, also referred to as the diabetes care market, includes blood glucose meters, blood glucose test strips, lancets, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), flash glucose monitoring (FGM), insulin, insulin pens, insulin syringes, and insulin pumps.
Previously, the European diabetes monitoring, treatment, and drug-delivery market was valued at €6.8 billion. However, an increase is projected over the forecast period to reach approximately €9 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 4.3%. The growth over the forecast period for this marker can be attributed to demographic factors, increasing obesity rates, the conversion to safety products, and insulin pump therapies.
- Unit Sales, Average Selling Prices, Market Size & Growth Trends
- Market Drivers & Limiters
- Market Forecasts Until 2025, and Historical Data to 2015
- Recent Mergers & Acquisitions
- SWOT analyses on top competitors
- Company Profiles and Product Portfolios
- Leading Competitors
The European diabetes care market is increasing and growth is expected to continue over the forecast period, driven by increasing unit sales and moderated by ASP depreciation. The primary driver of growth will be the expanding diabetic population in Europe and the increasing number of patients that require various diabetes care devices to manage their disease on a daily basis. The largest segment in the diabetes care market was the insulin market, which accounted for over 44% of the total market value. The insulin market includes long-acting insulin, ultra-long-acting insulin, rapid-acting insulin, premixed insulin, and human insulin.
Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, and Roche controlled the European diabetes care market.
The leading competitor in the diabetes care market was Novo Nordisk, which was attributed to its leading position in the insulin market and second-leading position in the insulin pen needle market. Novo Nordisk held the leading position in the rapid-acting insulin and premixed insulin markets and the second-leading position in the long-acting insulin, ultra-long-acting insulin, and human insulin markets.
Throughout this report, iData Research has extensively covered the U.S. market in great detail. The regions covered are:
- Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg), Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden), Austria, Switzerland, and Portugal)