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Female and Neonatal Devices
Showing all 2 results
Female and Neonatal Diagnostic Devices Market Analysis, Size, Trends | Global | 2016-2022 | MedSuite

Industry Trends The majority of these U.S. female and neonatal diagnostic devices market segments will see stable growth throughout the forecast period of this report. The largest segment of this market was represented by breast imaging. This is primarily due to the large number of screening procedures performed with these devices, which add to the […]
more...Female and Neonatal Diagnostic Devices Market Analysis, Size, Trends | Europe | 2014-2020 | MedSuite

In 2013, the European market for female neonatal diagnostic devices was valued at over 410 million. This report covers devices used for bone densitometry, breast biopsy, breast imaging, OB/GYN ultrasound imaging, infant warmers and incubators. Europes economic climate will continue to influence the many different sectors examined in this report. Capital equipment sales will be negatively influenced by health care restraints due to economic instability; this effect will be particularly pronounced in the more pricesensitive Southern European countries.