Research Categories
- Anesthesia
- Arthroscopy
- Biologics/Biomaterials
- Cancer Devices
- Cardiovascular
- Cosmetic Devices
- Dental
- Diabetes
- Diagnostics
- Dialysis
- Drug Delivery
- Ear, Nose, Throat
- Endoscopy
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- General Surgery
- Gynecology Devices
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- Neurology Devices
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- Ophthalmics Devices
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- Wound Care
Dural Repair
Showing the single result
Craniomaxillofacial and Thoracic Surgery Devices Market Report Suite | United States | 2015-2021 | MedSuite

This report covers the markets for craniomaxillofacial (CMF) devices and the biologics used in CMF and
neurosurgical procedures including: plates and screws, bone graft substitutes, cranial flap fixation, dural
repair and temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The report also includes products used in thoracic surgery for
sternal closure as many manufacturers often group these products within their CMF portfolio.