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Showing all 6 results
Laparoscopic Devices Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis | Europe | 2023-2029 | MedSuite | Includes: Laparoscopes, Access Devices, Closure Devices, and 9 more
iData’s European laparoscopic device MedSuite covers 11 markets including laparoscopes, access devices, and closure devices. The MedSuite is a compilation of all reports related to a specific market. It is ideal for device manufacturers, product managers, marketing managers, and consultants looking for a detailed analysis of every market segment and sub-segment within a given market.
more...Laparoscopic Devices Procedure Volume Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedPro
The full report suite on the Europe market for laparoscopic devices includes laparoscopes, access devices, hand instruments, insufflation devices, suction-irrigation systems, direct energy devices, ultrasonic energy devices, hand-assisted devices, closure devices, gastric bands and laparoscopic morcellators.
more...Laparoscopic Devices Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis | United States | 2023-2029 | MedSuite | Includes: Laparoscopes, Access Devices, Closure Devices, and 8 more
iData’s U.S. laparoscopic device MedSuite covers 11 markets including laparoscopes, access devices, and closure devices. The MedSuite is a compilation of all reports related to a specific market. It is ideal for device manufacturers, product managers, marketing managers, and consultants looking for a detailed analysis of every market segment and sub-segment within a given market.
more...Laparoscopic Devices Procedure Volume Analysis | United States | 2020-2026 | MedPro
Since its inception, minimally invasive surgery has become increasingly advanced as more sophisticated technology continues to be developed in order to maximize the clinical benefits of this approach. Laparoscopy is the most popular form of minimally invasive surgery. This technique continues to gain traction as an increasing number of surgeons continue to recommend this approach based on its notable clinical benefits. Many procedures that have been traditionally performed using an open approach are now often performed using laparoscopy.