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Dental Procedures by Material
Showing all 5 results
Dental Materials Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedSuite | Includes: Dental Cements, Impression Materials, Direct Restorative Materials, Bonding Agents, Core Build-up Materials & Dental Anesthetics

By 2020, the European dental materials market size was valued at approximately €1 billion, and there were over 1.07 million dental material procedures performed every year. In spite of COVID19, the market size is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.4% to exceed €1.1 billion in 2026. Throughout this medical […]
more...Dental Materials Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Global | 2023-2029 | MedSuite | Includes: Dental Cements, Impression Materials, Direct Restorative Materials, Bonding Agents, Core Build-up Materials & Dental Anesthetics

Overall, the Global Dental Materials market was valued at $7.7 billion in 2022. This is expected to increase over the forecast period at a CAGR of 4.1% to reach $10.2 billion. The full report suite on the Global Market for Dental Materials includes comprehensive analysis on dental cements, dental impression materials, direct restorative materials, temporary […]
more...Dental Materials Procedure Volume & COVID19 Impact Analysis | United States | 2020-2026 | MedPro | Includes: Dental Cements, Impression Materials, Direct Restorative Materials, Bonding Agents, Core Build-up Materials & Dental Anesthetics

The U.S. market for dental materials includes dental cements, impression materials, direct restoratives, temporary restoratives, bonding agents, core build-up materials and anesthetic materials. The overall U.S. dental material market is projected to experience modest growth over the forecast period, largely limited by the emergence of intraoral scanners. Although digitization is yet to become widespread, it has already impacted the dental material market, particularly towards impression and temporary restorative materials. As digital impression taking scanners are becoming more affordable and popular, the need for dental impression and temporary restorative materials is dwindling. Despite the gradual digitization of dental offices, this trend will still put short term pressure on both the prices and unit sales.
more...Dental Materials Procedure Volume & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedPro | Includes: Dental Cements, Impression Materials, Direct Restorative Materials, Bonding Agents, Core Build-up Materials and Dental Anesthetics

The European market for dental materials includes dental cements, impression materials, direct restorative materials, bonding agents, core build-up materials and dental anesthetics. The aging European population is the most significant driver of the dental materials market. Baby boomers are projected to live longer than those of previous generations and are therefore more likely to invest in their oral health during the remainder of their lives. Consequently, the demand for dental materials will increase due to this generations need for more crowns, bridges and other restorations. Also, the popularity of tooth-colored restorations and minimally invasive treatments has increased tremendously in the past few years; these trends are expected to drive the demand for innovative and technologically advanced dental materials, resulting in higher average selling prices (ASPs) and market values.