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Cements (Perm-Temp)
Showing all 6 results
Dental Cement Market Size, Share & Trend Analysis | Global | 2023-2029 | MedCore | Includes: Permanent and Temporary Dental Cements
In 2022, the Global Dental Cement Market was valued at $1.4 billion, and it is projected to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% during the forecast period, ultimately reaching a value slightly above $2 billion. The Global Dental Cement Market MedCore provides an in-depth analysis and forecast for the permanent and temporary […]
more...Dental Materials Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedSuite | Includes: Dental Cements, Impression Materials, Direct Restorative Materials, Bonding Agents, Core Build-up Materials & Dental Anesthetics
By 2020, the European dental materials market size was valued at approximately €1 billion, and there were over 1.07 million dental material procedures performed every year. In spite of COVID19, the market size is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.4% to exceed €1.1 billion in 2026. Throughout this medical […]
more...Dental Materials Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Global | 2023-2029 | MedSuite | Includes: Dental Cements, Impression Materials, Direct Restorative Materials, Bonding Agents, Core Build-up Materials & Dental Anesthetics
Overall, the Global Dental Materials market was valued at $7.7 billion in 2022. This is expected to increase over the forecast period at a CAGR of 4.1% to reach $10.2 billion. The full report suite on the Global Market for Dental Materials includes comprehensive analysis on dental cements, dental impression materials, direct restorative materials, temporary […]
more...Dental Cements Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | United States | 2020-2026 | MedCore | Segmented by: Cement Type (Permanent & Temporary Dental Cements)
Dental cements are luting agents which are predominantly used to fill the gap between restorations and the natural tooth. They are crucial in the precise positioning of dental restorations and they protect the pulp from discomfort and injuries. Cements typically form a strong bond with enamel and dentin, ensuring the stability of metal and ceramic restorations in the patients mouth. They are also used in a variety of dental applications, ranging from crowns and bridges, to inlays, onlays and veneers, to implants.
more...Dental Cements Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Europe | 2020-2026 | MedCore | Segmented by: Material Type (Permanent & Temporary Dental Cements)
Dental cements are luting agents that predominantly serve to fill in gaps between restorations and the natural tooth. They are crucial for the precise positioning of dental restorations and to protect the pulp from discomfort and injuries. Typically, cements form a strong bond with enamel and dentin, ensuring the stability of metal and ceramic restorations in the patients mouth. Dentists utilize cements in a variety of dental applications, ranging from crowns and bridges, to inlays and onlays, to veneers and implants.