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Showing all 3 results
Cardiac Rhythm Management Market Analysis, Size, Trends | Europe | 2019-2025 | MedSuite | Includes: Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators, Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices, and 5 more
The total market for Europe’s cardiac rhythm management devices market is growing at a rate of 3.9%, which will take the 2018 market value of €2.2 billion up to €2.9 billion by 2025. Reprocessed diagnostic electrophysiology (EP) catheters accounted for a significant percentage of all diagnostic EP catheters used. Reprocessed catheters have a much lower […]
more...Cardiac Rhythm Management Market Size, Share, & COVID-19 Impact Analysis | Global | 2022-2028 | MedSuite | Includes: Pacemakers, Cardiac Ablation Catheters, and 6 more
The full report suite on the global market for cardiac rhythm management, electrophysiology & cardiac ablation includes pacemakers, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs), cardiac resynchronization therapy devices (CRTs), cardiac leads, implantable loop recorders (ILRs), electrophysiology (EP) lab systems, diagnostic electrophysiology (EP) catheters and cardiac ablation catheters.
more...Cardiac Rhythm Management Market Analysis, Size, Trends | United States | 2019-2025 | MedSuite | Includes: Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators, Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices, and 5 more
In 2018, the total market for cardiac rhythm management, electrophysiology and ablation devices experienced an increase over the previous year. Since these devices are critical life-saving apparatuses, the aging U.S. population means continued market growth for all market segments in this report, with particularly strong growth in the electrophysiology (EP) and ablation markets. Over the […]