PediFoot System from OrthoPediatrics

OrthoPediatrics Logo, Courtesy of OrthPediatrics

A first in pediatric orthopedics, the FDA cleared OrthoPediatrics pediatric-specific system for treating foot deformities. The company has announced the launch of this system in the United States in November of 2019.

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The PediFoot system utilizes smaller plates and screws than what is currently used in other orthopedic devices. OrthoPediatrics explains that because these plates and screws are smaller, they better address cavus foot, flatfoot, clubfoot and hallux valgus foot deformities. The system is catered around lateral column lengthening, calcaneal slide osteotomies, opening and closing wedge osteotomies and arthrodesis procedures.

According to an in-depth study conducted by iData, ankle arthroplasty is experiencing procedural growth, due to increasing surgical confidence in the long-term durability of the implanted devices. Though the operation is technically challenging, improvements in surgical technique have meant that the number of device revisions has decreased. OrthoPediatrics catered approach to treating foot deformities specifically for children is a step in the right direction. It can help further increase consumer confidence which can positively drive growth in the foot and ankle segment of the orthopedic soft tissue market.

“We are excited to commence the domestic launch of our PediFoot Deformity Correction System,” OrthoPediatrics VP of trauma & deformity correction Joe Hauser said in a news release. “Designed with a team of eminent pediatric orthopedic surgeons, this system addresses four of the most common pediatric foot deformities. With a heightened focus on instrumentation and intra-operative ease, the entire system is contained in one tray with innovative instrumentation that aids in reproducible correction and optimizes time in the operating room. This is the first of many launches to address pediatric foot and ankle procedures.”

The company currently markets 32 surgical systems in the pediatric orthopedic market.


For Further Information

To get in an in-depth global (19 countries) market analysis which includes in-depth interviews and procedural volumes, please read iData Research’s’ 1657 page titled the  Small Bone and Joint Devices Market Analysis, Size, Trends Report.

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