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Showing all 2 results
Breast Implant Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis | Global | 2023-2029 | MedCore | Includes: Saline Breast Implants and Silicone Breast Implants

The full report suite on the global market for breast implants is further segmented into product type and implant shape. Within the product type segmentation, the market covers saline and silicone breast implants. The silicone breast implant market is further segmented into smooth and textured silicone breast implant markets. The global breast implant market is analyzed in terms of units sold by implant shape, segmented into round implant and anatomical implant segments.
more...Neurological Microscopes Market Analysis | United States | 2020-2026 | MedCore

Optical microscopy is an increasingly technical field in which light from an area of interest is passed through lenses to provide a magnified view. Neurosurgical microscopes have many requirements such as extreme precision, outstanding color conformity, high resolution image quality, efficient light transmission, exceptional detail within the field of view and ergonomic use, all of which increase surgical accuracy and decrease physician fatigue. Leica has produced a 3D heads-up system which saves surgeons from having to look through the oculars of the microscope for long portions of the day.