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Showing all 7 results
Nephrostomy Market Size, Share & Trend Analysis | Global | 2025-2031 | MedCore | Includes: Percutaneous Nephrostomy Set Market, Nephrostomy Balloon Catheter Market and 1 more

Overall, the global nephrostomy device market was valued at $207 million in 2024. This is expected to increase over the forecast period at a CAGR of 3.6% to reach over $265 million. The full report suite on the global market for nephrostomy devices includes percutaneous nephrostomy sets, nephrostomy balloon catheters and nephrostomy drainage tubes. This […]
more...Liposuction Device Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis | Global | 2023-2029 | MedCore | Includes: Liposuction Tubing, Liposuction Cannulas, and 1 more

The full report suite on the global market for breast implants is further segmented into product type and implant shape. Within the product type segmentation, the market covers saline and silicone breast implants. The silicone breast implant market is further segmented into smooth and textured silicone breast implant markets. The global breast implant market is analyzed in terms of units sold by implant shape, segmented into round implant and anatomical implant segments.
more...Shoulder Reconstruction Devices Market Analysis | Japan | 2019-2025 | MedCore

Shoulder devices are considered a small joint in this report; however, they are sometimes classified as large joints because they are often marketed in a similar manner to hip and knee implants, but have historically exhibited market revenue growth rate similar to devices for the distal extremities. Shoulder reconstruction devices discussed in this report include:
Total Joint Replacements
Partial and Fracture-Type Implants
Resurfacing Implants
Tissue Sealants Market Analysis | United States | 2016-2022 | MedCore

Tissue sealants and glues are used in certain surgical procedures and for some types of bleeding to seal the edges of tissue together; thus, tissue sealants can also be used to seal blood vessels, causing hemostasis. Even though some products are indicated only for tissue sealing, they can also be used off-label as a hemostat as well.
more...Elbow Reconstruction Devices Market Analysis | Japan | 2016-2022 | MedCore

The elbow naturally operates as a hinge joint, with the majority of the natural range of motion occurring on one plane, although it also includes a rotational component. The joint involves the articulation of three bones: the humerus, the radius and the ulna. The articulation of the head of the radius on the ulna allows for forearm pronation and supination, resulting in the ability to rotate the wrist.