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Showing all 2 results
Neuromodulation, Neurovascular, Neurosurgical and Monitoring Devices Procedure Volume Analysis | Europe | 2017-2023 | MedPro

This report analyzes the procedure volumes that relate to neurological devices in Europe from 2013-2023. This data includes segmentation on Cerebro-spinal Fluid Shunting Procedures, Neurovascular Embolization Procedures, Intracranial Stenting Procedures, Neurovascular Guidewire Procedures and Neuromodulation Procedures.
more...Dental Prosthetics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis | Asia-Pacific | 2015-2021 | MedSuite | Includes: Crowns, Bridges, Dentures, CAD/CAM Prosthetics & CAD/CAM Systems

This report covers the Asia-Pacific region, including Australia, China, Japan and South Korea.
Growth of the dental prosthetics market is dependent on several demographic and lifestyle factors, including socioeconomic status (or income per capita), literacy level, marital status, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, hygiene practices, cultural beliefs and attitudes, and perceptions of oral health.
Demographics, tooth loss statistics, occurrences of coronal caries and the availability and extent of public sector supported dental care are all factors that directly affect the Asia-Pacific market for dental prosthetics.
The aging population will also play an important role in the growth of the market. Because periodontal disease, tooth decay and caries become more severe and more prevalent with age, older generations tend to have fewer natural teeth than younger ones. The aging of the population, however, is a relatively smooth and gradual trend.
Dental prosthetics have been available for centuries. The dental prosthetics market is in a mature phase and is experiencing stable growth.