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Showing the single result
Dental Barrier Membranes Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | United States | 2021-2027 | MedCore | Segmented by: Type (Resorbable, Non-Resorbable) & Material (Xenografts, Allografts, Synthetics)

Barrier membranes are a critical component to regeneration therapy and are aimed at restoring the form and function of the mouth. Commercially available on the market, barrier membranes function in dental surgeries to help retain bone grafting materials, to exclude epithelium and connective tissue from entering into sites of desired bone and ligament regeneration, or for the combination of these reasons. Whether restoring lost bone around teeth or implants, or in larger areas of the jaws affected by trauma or disease, too often there is inadequate gingival tissue to cover the membranes, leading to membrane exposure, extensive membrane contamination and procedural failure, which is unacceptable.