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Showing all 2 results
Dental Implants Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Mexico | 2021-2027 | MedSuite | Includes: Dental Implants (Premium, Value, Discount), Final Abutments (Stock, Custom Cast, CAD/CAM), Dental Implant Instrument Kits, Treatment Planning Software & Surgical Guides

In 2021, Mexico’s dental implants market size is projected to reach $32 million, with the value and discount implant segments showing the highest growth. The Mexican market size is expected to grow throughout the forecast period and reach a valuation of nearly $45 million in 2027. Prices for dental implants in Mexico are extremely low […]
more...Dental Implants Market Size, Share & COVID19 Impact Analysis | Argentina | 2021-2027 | MedSuite | Includes: Dental Implants (Premium, Value, Discount, Mini), Final Abutments (Stock, Custom Cast, CAD/CAM), Dental Implant Instrument Kits, Treatment Planning Software & Surgical Guides

In 2021, Argentina’s dental implants market size is expected to reach $17.8 million, with the value implants market segment showing the highest growth. In spite of COVID19, the Argentina market size is expected to increase over the forecast period to exceed $26 million in 2027. A major trend limiting the growth of the dental implant […]