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Showing the single result
Dental Implants Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis | Canada | 2012-2018 | MedSuite | Includes: Dental Implants, Final Abutments & Computer Guides Surgery Devices
The dental implant and final abutment market includes dental implants, final abutments, instrument kits, computer guided surgery equipment and mini implants. Dental implants represented nearly 58% of the total market in 2011. The overall market is expected to grow as the economic recovery experienced in 2010 carries over into 2011. The instrument kit market comprised only a small fraction of the total market as the majority of kits were given away for free as promotional tools. While the computer guided surgery market also comprised a small portion of the total market, it is expected to grow rapidly due to recent technological advancements in digital imaging systems. These systems are becoming a popular tool among dentists and offer enhanced accuracy in placing implants. Mini implants are one of the fastest-growing segments in the total market, and is largely driven by the increasing popularity of overdentures.